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Venus Envy edited-Venus Envy edited-0037
Supporting Pleasure, 
Healing & Connection
Watercolor Brush 18
“One way or another we are living the stories planted in us early or along the way. We are also living the stories we planted - knowingly or unknowingly - in ourselves. We live the stories that either give our lives meaning, or negate it with meaninglessness. If we change the stories we live by, quite possibly we change our lives.”- Ben Okri, A Way of Being Free

Hi, I'm Sam. Originally from Newfoundland, I was lucky enough to grow up in a storytelling culture where I learned the power of a good story and the devastation of a bad one. As a therapist, I hope to help you uncover the stories that are negatively shaping your life and to help you discover the values, skills and strategies that will enable you to create change.
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